Famous Anus, Part Two.
The bugger is such an idiot. So many fellas betting on him. All educated fellas - lawyers, teachers, doctors, engineers, everyone who got go to school love him. Because he can taloc (talk a lot of cock).
But just like Liverpool is a heart-break team, our friend is going to break all his supporters hearts. Everytime you bet Liverpool and stay up late to watch them they will lose.
Simplelah, the fucker got no brains. Last time fight with Mahathir, like schoolboy fighting with Mike Tyson. End up in jail. This time talking cock again, say Sabah, Sarawak got so many supporters, say MCA going defect. Hello, the asshole never go to school ah? Never read Sun Tzu meh? When you enemy make a lot of noise he is weak; if you enemy keep quiet you better careful, he's strong and going to attack.
If like that simple also don't understand you still got confidence he can lead the country ah? Ask him bend down lah. (Don't misunderstand, I'm not going to waste my bullet on his ass. I just want him to suck my cock.)
When one Malay state-assemblywoman spoke of "when you see a snake and an Indian, you should hit the Indian first", and then felt that saying sory is good enough, with due respect to my malay friends, may I also commend that "when you see a babi and a Melayu babi*, you would run towards a babi, because it doesn't smell as bad."
*First coined by Raja Petra, the term Melayu babi refers to those Malays who pray 5 times a day, who go to the mosque repenting that he has just raped his daughter or committed a corruption, and then come home to start attacking another daughter or repeat his corrupted act all over again.
One fucker minister has just spoke loud and clear that bumuputra defaulters of government's business loan or study loan be given a second chance for new loans. I don't mind if he sells his backside to raise those loans instead of from the taxpayers' money.
I agree that the rights of Malay shoud be protected, simply because they are not cometitive enough, not because they are the tuan of the country. It is a fact that Mahathir's father was a Malayanese Indian who came from India. In this respect, since my father was born here, I shoud be a more reserved son of Malaysia than the ex-PM is. Anyway, he remains my most respected ex-PM for having brought prosperity to the nation. May the children of those Melayu babi who shout about ketuanan Melayu be gays and prostitutes for generations to come.
See what happened today? Famous Anus said Barisan fellas joining him. Two fellas already said that is all nonsense, read today's newspaper...
[An Umno minister and a deputy have denied news spread by a blog that they would be crossing over to PKR.
Youth and Sports Minister Datuk Ismail Sabri Yaacob and Deputy Entrepreneur and Cooperative Development Minister Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah described the claim as “illogical.”
Ismail Sabri, who is the Bera MP, said it did not make any sense at all.
“I am a Cabinet Minister. Why should I jump to a party that has no direction? Gilakah saya? Tak masuk akal (Am I mad? It does not make sense),” he told the media in his office at Parliament House.
Anwar, who is alleged to be involved in a sodomy case, had claimed that four Barisan MPs would join the Pakatan Rakyat.
The Greenboc blog named Ismail and Saifuddin as among the Barisan MPs, and claimed that Saifuddin had met Anwar overseas recently.
Ismail clarified that he had never been close to Anwar and was puzzled as to how his name was linked to him by the blog.
“I was shocked to hear about it. I have never been a controversial figure to start with. I just do my work. I am not even interested in contesting for a higher post (in Umno),” he added.
Saifuddin, who is the Temerloh MP, said he had not met Anwar for about 10 years.
“And he has not contacted me nor have I contacted him. So there is no possibility that we have had a meeting,” he said.
He said he wanted to deny the speculation as his telephone had been ringing non-stop with enquiries.
“I am a loyal Umno and Barisan man and an Umno life member,'' he stressed. ]
See our fucker - what he says come upside down. In fact his man Ezam went and joined UMNO instead. And his mahchai said he fucked his behind.
Sounds familiar isn't it? Last time I also got a friend always said 10 million coming in... ended upside down, owing people money instead.
Wake up boys! Anwar is not your hero. He will be like Spain, wait 44 years to win. By that time he will be like Mandela, just celebrated his 90th birthday.
Wake up boys! Anwar is not your hero. He will take 44 years to win, just like Spain. By that time he will be 90 years old like Nelson Mandela...
He said Barisan fellas joining him. See, today what happened? They said no, that's not true.
Instead, his mahchai Ezam joined Barisan! And his other mahchai said he banged his behind.
Today's news...
[An Umno minister and a deputy have denied news spread by a blog that they would be crossing over to PKR.
Youth and Sports Minister Datuk Ismail Sabri Yaacob and Deputy Entrepreneur and Cooperative Development Minister Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah described the claim as “illogical.”
Ismail Sabri, who is the Bera MP, said it did not make any sense at all.
“I am a Cabinet Minister. Why should I jump to a party that has no direction? Gilakah saya? Tak masuk akal (Am I mad? It does not make sense),” he told the media in his office at Parliament House.
Anwar, who is alleged to be involved in a sodomy case, had claimed that four Barisan MPs would join the Pakatan Rakyat.
The Greenboc blog named Ismail and Saifuddin as among the Barisan MPs, and claimed that Saifuddin had met Anwar overseas recently.
Ismail clarified that he had never been close to Anwar and was puzzled as to how his name was linked to him by the blog.
“I was shocked to hear about it. I have never been a controversial figure to start with. I just do my work. I am not even interested in contesting for a higher post (in Umno),” he added.
Saifuddin, who is the Temerloh MP, said he had not met Anwar for about 10 years.
“And he has not contacted me nor have I contacted him. So there is no possibility that we have had a meeting,” he said.
He said he wanted to deny the speculation as his telephone had been ringing non-stop with enquiries.
“I am a loyal Umno and Barisan man and an Umno life member,'' he stressed.]
See lah, what happened today. Khalid the PKR Mentri Besar for Selngor is in trouble.
The poor bastard is really a nice guy, want to help people make money and do projects.
But he like his Boss, Mr Famous Anus, also no brains. He never jaga his backside. ACA big spotlight now on all the Pakatan Rakyat MPs mah. He still act like he is king.
Then he simply sack his assistant Yahya, say he didn't inform him ask for donation from 100 big companies. ACA say this is prove loh - got corruption.
Yahya also angry he simply sack him by sending SMS, never even talk to him to let him explain.
Niamahai... you think these fuckers got brains meh?
See what our superhero Khalid, Selangor MB, did today. He appointed a former jailbird to become councillor in Selangor. The fella went to jail many times since 1991.
Like I said, Khalid is very nice guy, but he alway one hand block sky. Now he kena sky keep you.
very soon he will collect skin, and go to Sg Buloh with F.A.
you think f.a. dare to debate with the government on petrol price ah?
the fucker got no brains, debate sure lose. what he understand about economics?
want to bet? i don't know when the date, but he sure last minute go and hide.
ask him to keep skin lah.
ok, i dropped my spectacles. F.A. did turn up for debate.
But his arguments not very stronglah.
He said Govt should have the HEART to help the poor rakyat. But Ahmad Shabery taruh him because last time when he Finance Minister he wanted to kill all the poor people. He increased interest rate and make people pay 15% minimum payment for credit card.
Mahathir faster reduced it to 5%.
Today Famous Anus down-downline become hero. Go and punch Loh Guo Burne face.
Who else? The fler is Khalid's right hand man. F.A like that, Khalid also like that. Khalid like that, his mah chai also like that mah...
Loh Guo Burne the super asshole also deserve it. Should punch harder until his mother cannot recognise him.
Anwar charged with consensual liwating.
What the fuck! The whole world is laughing. Cannot be Najis is so stupid, must have some other story...
They take a few weeks to think of what to charge Famous Anus. They cannot charge his with forcing his cock into Saifool's asshole. That's very hard to do. F.A. is 60 years old and Saifool is 23. If the fucker cannot fight an old man, he can at least run away. Try to imagine this... F.A. tricks Saifool into the apartment. Suddenly Saifool realise that his boss is interested in his backside. His boss very strong, push him against the wall. He loosen his belt. Saifool tries to put up a struggle but F.A. is too strong - he pull down Saifool's trousers. With one hand (iron sand fist) he keep Saifool against the wall, the other hand he unzip his own trousers, take out his cock (of course hardened lah). Then he make Saifool bend down and he shuff it in.
Alamak, sounds like very hard to do lah.
So, better change it to this story... F.A. and Saifool were lovers, hehe... they like doing it. And it is against the law to do backside in Malaysia. 20 years. So, F.A. going to kena. But wait, how about Saifool? He also should kena charge what? How come only F.A. kena charge? Cannot be that stupid isn't it? Hard to believe...
And then.....
Dei, Dr Osman! Manalu sekalang. Pukimak, cakap itu Saifool pinya belakang manya bersih, tada servis. Jangan lari, niamahai. Nanti saya bom lu pinya pisang. Chauhai, lu ingat lu pigi cari Bala manya senangkah? Dua dua pun pigi sembunyi sekalang..... Ada berani lu jangan lali....... puki tai...
Famous Anus, "Dei Bodowi, I got 31 2-5 boys joining me from your side."
Bodowi, "Announce their names lah."
Famous Anus, "Cannot lah, once I do that everybody will know."
Bodowi, "Why scared to announce ah? You don't announce I don't talk to you."
Famous Anus, "Fucking Bodowi! You don't run ah... I coming oledi... you just wait... I coming in 2 weeks time..."
Bodowi, "You comelah, Phucker. I stand here wait for you leh."
See, told you oledi, this fucker cannot control his mahchais. Now one fella joined BN.
Bastard says BN fellas will join him. Actually his mahchai join BN.
Sounds like Ah Cub or not? Always talk but do opposite.
Yes, Najis is doing the unthinkable; pay RM50 million for the three assemblymen to jump ship....Najis has money, Anwar only talk (no money) because USA is not in deep shit and the new president can't find Malaysia on the world map....so how is US to support him. But then we Malaysian now with no choice; you either have to support him and his PR to continue with the barking and bragging or we will be have to leave with our BN and their quota system.....or even taking the non-bumiputra quota and sell it to the mat-salleh in the guise of FDIs. What the fuck-shit is this?? BN bodoh.... COme to think about the Perak sultan hastily making an unwelcoming decision to appoint the new MB, I think he is worry that his son will not be the next sultan...so he go along with the Najis. BTW, the sultan's ascension to the throne was a huge subject of dispute back then....maybe this is the turning point tipping in favour of BN. For such a very learned person he would have just let the the state assembly sitting decide (ie. vote of no confidence, etc...) before making any the decision... Looks like he was being pressured to jump the gun.
Do talk about Najis, already shit! He will never be the next PM, Altantuya is looking for him!
We should now support Sivakumar, our HERO....done a good job for Malaysia, very good to the extent those assholes can't figure out how to deal with his decision to suspend those BN assholes. They have to call Queen Counsels to handle the case...Sivakumar, the man that believe and breath the separation of powers....
Support Sivakumar!
Yes, Siva, we support you!
Siva, Siva, Siva, Siva......
Siva, Siva, Siva, Siva......
Siva, Siva, Siva, Siva......
Siva, Siva, Siva, Siva......
Siva, Siva, Siva, Siva......
Siva vs Sultan
who win?
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