Everyone is reading the story now - P Balasubramaniam, Baginda's private investigator has exposed everything about Najis and Altantuya. He made a statutory declaration of everything he knew. Here are just a few of the highlights:-
1. Altantuya supposed to receive US$500,000 as commission for submarine deal in Paris.
2. Najis introduced Altantuya to Baginda in Singapore.
3. All three fellas had been seen together at a dinner in Paris.
4. Najis had fucked Altantuya before, including playing her behind. (Remember, this is a serious statutory declaration.)
5. Bala has been a police for 17 years.
By now (Thursday, 3rd July 2008, 5pm) there are already rumours Najis has been arrested in Putrajaya.
Somebody just exposed Famous Anus playing his mahchai's backside.
Now Famous Anus is playing Najis' backside. (Bala said Najis played Altantuya's backside also.)
I wonder whether Bajawi played J's backside...
Of course, Karpal Singh is on standby to play everyone's backside. So, be careful, guys.......
Yes, Guys, just come and leave some comments. Don't know how? Just click on the comments link below the post. Then you come to this box. Just type all the fucking words in. When you finish remember to click Anonymous so that they can't find you easily. We don't want the police to come knocking on our door. Anyway they are too bloody busy to do that lah.
Everybody is playing everybody's backside nowadays, they where got time to catch us?
So come and pukimak all you like.
Alamak! Bala scared already. Najis going to blow up his balls. Maybe blow up his whole family.
1-all. Anwar 1, Najis 1.
Now, back to Anwar. Is he going to take out his equipment and ram it into Najis again?
Or is Karpal going to ram them both? You decide. Want to change your vote again.
I totally agreed that the bastard Bala, lost his balls, must be some high power fuckers......
niamah ka fahai, all are fuckers, the oppositions & BN.......
fuck noel, fuck webcity. bastards, no money don't pretend to be rich, do renovation never pay money.
after i ask anwar play your backside then you know.
anwar and najis play ping pong.
both also useless buggers......
if last time mahathir, anwar got no chance. the poor bastard not smart as the old man. he get 10-0.
now anwar and najis 1-1.
maybe later 2-2, 3-3...
"Lawyer Americk Singh Sidhu denied that private investigator P Balasubramaniam affirmed his first sworn statement under duress."
Dew niah mah kahai...
Playing ping pong again ah?
If Mahathir last time, go inside Sg Buloh already lah. What the fuck...
Make SD, then deny, then say never deny... fahai... lei lou mou...
Are we running circus ah?
Who is the ringmaster?
Pukimak lu!! U tak ada pergi sekolah kah!! Saya akan report u semua sekarang!! Kalau u tak nak kena jail, tolong masuk RM 1Juta dlm akuan Bala!! Nanti Anwar kena u semua!!! TLMKCH!!!!
Deh, puki baik baik. nanti dia bom lu pinya chundoi kasi habis, sikalang itu tambi bala pun manya takut.
itu cibai pinya najis sudah pakai habis itu lui, tarak kasi itu mongolia amoi.... lagi mau pangil olang jilat dia pinya bola....
Najis: Deh, Bala. Keluarlah, apa takut. Cakap saya kongket amoi mongolia, main dia pinya belakang... lu berani lu keluar sekarang, cibai... saya kasi bom lu pinya cun toi. Bom lu hamka, pukimak keling.....
Anwar: Deh, Bala. Manalu sekarang? Semalam saya kasi duit lu cakap Najis, ini hari dia marah lu takutkah? Jangan takut Bala, saya ada sini... nanti saya main dia pinya belakang baru dia tau.......
Halo! mana itu bala ah?
itu hari dia senyum sama Famous Anus buat press conference.
Sekarang Najis cari dia. Famous Anus cari dia. Lagi polis pun cari dia!!!
mana mau lari sekarang?
Those fuckers must have threaten his family lah.....
ayoyo, itu bala misti sudah habis, kesian dia....... :(
dia sama keluarga misti sudah mampoi...
itu hari dia sama Famous Anus manya senyum...
itu hari dia tolak SD muka masam saja... lu taula, mana SD under duress...
phew!!! bala belum mati. wah! saya memang gembira itu aneh lagi hidup.
dei, bala, jaga sikit ohhh...
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