Shall we compile a list of all the fucking issues in Malaysia.
First on the list must the OIL.
Do you all think oil belongs to the rakyat like Lim Kit Siang says? Or does it belong to the Government? Or, does it belong to the rakyat but the Government is managing it? If that is the case, do you think the Government is managing it properly? Or managing it until all the profits disappear into those buggers own pockets? Now every year Petronas profit about RM80b. All the income tax collected from every citizen is only RM50b per year. Don't you think this is the mother of all issues in Malaysia?
Let everyone know your precious opinion.
Next on the list is POLITICS. Being a multi-racial country, the social contract as outlined in the Constitution is most important. Once this is screwed up, all races will be aiming for each other's backside. Anwar will be just a reserve or spectator. Even an expert like him will have no chance.
The debate is whether we agree with Mahathir's version of the Social Contract.
With this social contract lies the Malay rights issue.
The comes the issue of ECONOMICS.
Politics will screw up economics. Economics will screw up politics. Which one gets screwed up first doesn't matter.
The important thing is to make politics work so that economy will prosper. Otherwise, (which is not likely), let people who control the economy control the politics.
Meantime, we, who cannot control anything, can only dewniamah those who screw up any of the above issues.
Corruption 01 M.V. Agusta RM800 million
1. Proton bought this Italian motorcycle maker for 70 million Euro (about RM350 million).
2. Its savvy management sold it for 1 Euro (RM5) to an unknown company in Italy.
3. Some months ago Husqvarna, a division of M.V. Agusta which manufactures scrambler sporty off-road motorcycles was sold to a German company, BMW for 90 million Euro (RM450 million). Now the rest of M.V. Agusta has been bought by Harley-Davidson Motor Cycles of the United States for RM350 million.
4. So Proton lost approximately RM800 million selling M.V. Agusta for RM5. The buyer invested one Euro and made 160 million Euro.
5. Do we need a Royal Commission to look into this or should the ACA investigate this matter particularly the role of Credit Suisse who was paid a huge consultancy fee to advise Proton's management who executed it.
6. Or maybe we do not mind losing RM800 million because we have so much money.
No problemlah RM800 million only mah. Niamahkachauhai we still got a lot of money mah.......
1. Today The Star news is on UMNO wooing PAS to join them. UMNO says Malay unity will benefit other races (Chinese lah). DAP is upset with PAS talking to UMNO. Lim Kit Siang says UMNO should be talking about Malaysian unity instead of Malay unity. PAS' Nik Aziz is still angry after pulling out from UMNO 30 years ago. Keadilan's Khalid (Selangor MB) says UMNO's motive of talking to PAS is specifically so that they can get enough votes to control back Selangor; they just want power. Of course, MCA, as usual, don't know what to do. They said wait and see.
A lot of theories can be drawn from the above comments.
2. All along, whether people are aware or like it or not, the formula is this. The Malays give the contract/project/tender/agreement/approval/blah blah to the Chinese (and other races).
In return the Chinese give bribes. A very ugly word to use. But we should see it differently. They are just rewarding their Malay friends for the special favour or giving them the project. The Malays deserve it because they are the masters of Malaysia. Other races are just visitors.
This formula has been working perfectly for a long time. Don't disturb it. But alamak! Nowadays fuel price increased. The people tak boleh tahan, and tak boleh cari makan. That's why they are angry and voted against the Government.
It is not because the people are angry with corruption.
It is definitely not because they like DAP or Anwar. Nonsense. But in a few months or a few years' time, these flers will think the rakyat voted for THEM and they are very great. Actually the people simply voted against oil price.
3. Now you can understand why UMNO says it will "benefit" other races. Because now Selangor under Pakatan all projects cannot move. The UMNO flers last time hold the power and approve everything. Now Pakatan don't dare to approve because got ACA/BPR. So everything stuck lah.
4. Kit Siang talking about Malaysian unity. Talking cocklah. Don't upset the formula.
Khalid is right. Things cannot move because power problems.
5. MCA, as usual, the running dog, just waiting for new master.
MCA as always been running dogs since time in memorial....fuck them...The Malays are not only master, they are also the performers control by the ring master....(old man lah).....what a circus.....shit
Human Rights in Malaysia? Balls!
Today, the international committee of human rights downgraded our Malaysian organisation (Suhakam). This shows that they have not been able to improve the human rights situation in Malaysia.
How to improve? Fucklah. Malaysia got human rights one ah?
Some more the bastards at Suhakam complain why downgrade them.
Got money everything in Malaysia can kau tim. RM2 screwdriver sell RM2,000. Build house like palace. All the crooks no need go to jail. Poor people die already also nobody care. Simply use C4 also sure no need go to jail one.
Niamahkahai. Sky keep you.
No religious freedom also. You join any religion can resign. Join Islam almost impossible to resign.
Your mother fried chicken. Ask Suhakam keep skin lah.
Corruption? Circus time is here.
You know who is Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor? The fella VK Lingan talking to on the phone, trying to "arrange" the judges.
Our friend today say what you know? He wants ACA to help fight corruption! Lei lou mou.....
You can see for yourself,
Malaysia got the culture one hand block sky. Fahai, one day they kena skyware then they know. Skyware means sky keep you.
MRR2 Bridge going to fall down, Kepong side.
Fucker Samy Vellu last time makan duit already, say the bridge design no problem.
Now again, it is cracking. Soon one day the whole fucking bridge going to fall down, kill somebody, then Malaysia masuk CNN News.
Sky keep you. The bastards think they are not using the bridge so they don't care. One day, the sky going to fall down on them then they know.
Pukimak. Make a new bridge not very expensive mah. Just bomb the whole bleady bridge for two miles and make again lah.
Now they sure have to repair again one. Makan another RM70 million.
For the past 5 years, JB is the Champion. Every week somebody gets killed or robbed. This year it is everyday! Almost everyday there is a case. All big crimes involving human life.
Klang and Penang are fighting very hard for second place. Sometimes you see Klang every week. At other times Penang is on the papers every week. Also big crimes - people getting killed.
Then nowadays you have Miri in Sarawak. Gangsterland there. It is chasing for a higher ranking.
Did I miss out anything place?
Chauhai! What our government doing? Very busy sodomising each other. Don't you think they can lower the crime rate if they want? Niamahafahai! One day one of our friends or loved ones kena how?
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