Everyone is reading the story now - P Balasubramaniam, Baginda's private investigator has exposed everything about Najis and Altantuya. He made a statutory declaration of everything he knew. Here are just a few of the highlights:-
1. Altantuya supposed to receive US$500,000 as commission for submarine deal in Paris.
2. Najis introduced Altantuya to Baginda in Singapore.
3. All three fellas had been seen together at a dinner in Paris.
4. Najis had fucked Altantuya before, including playing her behind. (Remember, this is a serious statutory declaration.)
5. Bala has been a police for 17 years.
By now (Thursday, 3rd July 2008, 5pm) there are already rumours Najis has been arrested in Putrajaya.
Somebody just exposed Famous Anus playing his mahchai's backside.
Now Famous Anus is playing Najis' backside. (Bala said Najis played Altantuya's backside also.)
I wonder whether Bajawi played J's backside...
Of course, Karpal Singh is on standby to play everyone's backside. So, be careful, guys.......