July 13, 2008

Ong Ka Ting, MCA's Moh Tak Teng

Have you seen a running dog? Please refer above.

When he first become mca president he still ok. Every month he look more like a dog. After erection (March 2008 Elections) now he is puppy. He know he keep skin already. At least now he quietly step down.

Look little bit like human.

Website counter


Anonymous said...

Moh Tak Teng.
Tan Yee Kew jump to F.A party already. Very soon Why MCA all also jump...

Anonymous said...

even our running dog friend here cannot stand oledi. he also fuck bodowi.

when it become like that, maybe dangerous lah...

he said should put ahmad into isa, instead of sin chew reporter.

he fuck bodowi 2 times oledi, left and right. if tomolo he do again, it will be come from behind, hehe.......