See this face also you want to slap him.
Finally, MCA fella come out and chap this fucker properly, hehe...........
'Detain Khairy under ISA'
By : Eileen Ng and David Yeow
KUALA LUMPUR: A Perak MCA Youth delegate who had called for Umno Youth deputy chief Khairy Jamaluddin to be detained under the Internal Security Act for making racist statements is sticking to his guns.
Ting Tai Fook said he was only voicing what people had been saying about Khairy.
"Am I afraid he will take action against me, seeing how well-connected he is?
"I think he doesn't have a case against me, since what I said is nothing new," he said.
Ting also believed MCA Youth would back him up.
At the MCA Youth assembly on Friday, Ting called Khairy a "political loser" who should be booked under the ISA.
He also wanted former Umno Bukit Bendera division chief Datuk Ahmad Ismail to be held under the same act for describing Malaysian Chinese as pendatang (squatters).
He expressed disappointment with the detentions of Sin Chew Daily reporter Tan Hoon Cheng and Seputeh MP Teresa Kok, whom he claimed had done nothing offensive.
"However, people like Khairy and Ahmad can talk all they want and no action was taken against them.
"If we want to use the ISA, let's use it against these people first. Lock them up for two years, let them think through everything they say so they can realise how nonsensical and narrow-minded they are."
Ting said he was opposed to the ISA, which "should be thoroughly reviewed and measures put into place to avoid any abuse".
He said it was incomprehensible for Khairy to question the ratio of government scholarships for Bumiputeras and non-Bumiputeras.
"Already our gifted students are being turned away from many public universities. So, how could he question the scholarship quota?"
Ting said he believed Khairy would lose the race for the Umno Youth chief post at the party's elections in March.
"I believe this irresponsible leader will su dao tuo ku (be badly defeated) at the Umno elections.
"That will be the ultimate embarrassment for him, to see that he is rejected even by his own people.
"After that, may we never hear from such a political loser again."
You think this fucker can still survive politically?
Any idea how many billions the bastard chiau already?
Now MCA fellas want to chap him.
Lung stick vs lung stick..........
1 comment:
Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2008 10:16 PM
Subject: A Somali's perception of Mahathir Friday, October 31, 2008
I'm a Somali living in Malaysia who follows the local scene here very much. I would have to admit that Tun Dr M's greatest disadvantage is his pure, unadulterated hatred for anyone who disagrees with him. Never have I seen a human being whose sole motivation, drive and engine is pure hatred. Just visit his blog which is read by friends and foes, locals and foreigners and I must tell you it epitomizes him in every way.
Since he started it after complaining of UMNO media strangulation, did you see an article that he has written concerning the poor, the needy, the widows, the orphans, the handicapped, the downtrodden, the wayfarers, compassion, empathy, sharing, sacrifice, charity, morality, accountability, God's fear and Judgement, forgiveness, patience (etc)? No.
Always it is about some people, blaming others, calling them names, dishing out unvanished, pure hatred. Blaming others for this and that and exonerating himself from all blame? Surely, at this age? You can't build a society and a nation through hate, vengeance, intense anger and mean spirit. You would have to remind the people the higher purpose of life for them to get motivated and work harder for the less fortunate and for themselves. Finger pointing, blaming others, planting defeatist culture in the Malays, reducing them to mad people (we are sensitive, we will run amok society that makes even foreigners despise the Malays) will not help this society and nation.
My people (the Somalis) suffered from cruel leadership and when the hatred became too much, we turned to each other and till today, we the only nation with no Central govt. The Malays share with us almost every trait, very feudal, manipulated easily, territorial, misuse of Islam for expediency, rigid explanation of Islam and too much interest in outward Islam than inward Islam that strengthens the hearts, our only difference is that the Malays have the Chinese and the Indians around that make them watch out for the "enemies."
For us, we didn't have that and that's why we turned to each other. If God has loved the Malays and Malaysia, it is because He brought other people here. If some Malays regret the presence of the Chinese and Indians, ask us the Somalis and you will know what it means to be an incestous (homogenous) society and you will praise the Almighty day in day out. If it was possible, I would have shipped the Chinese and Indians to Somalia to create diversity in my nation but it is wishful thinking.
The other person who makes me cringe in shame is one Curry[Khairy] Jamaluddin. Never have I seen a more uncouth, uncultured, degenerate, pugancious, ill, nefarious and utterly infantile being than this young man. I have a big heart who tries to understand everyone and put myself in their place, but I don't think my heart can accommodate one Curry Jamaluddin. He is a primate and deserves the worst treatment (though I hate it because we are Muslims and human beings) but honestly he is too much.
October 25, 2008 at 5:43 pm
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