Parliament: ‘Shah Rukh Khan doesn’t deserve title’
KUALA LUMPUR: A backbencher has questioned the rationale behind the Malacca state government conferring a Datukship on Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan and asked that the title be withdrawn.
Datuk Seri Abdul Ghapur Salleh (BN – Kalabakan) asked what Shah Rukh Khan had done for the country and the state to deserve such an honour.
Hello! Niamahai!
You think this fella got ask for it or not? Actually he very give face accept Datuk from Malaysia. Alamak, tak malu lah our politicians fuckers. People international superstar lah. Want to take your Datuk for what? WTF !!!
Every time also like that. Last time Vijay Singh apply PR also cannot get. People world champion golf lah. Fahai, a lot of countries want to give him PR lah. But Malaysia think we are damn big, want Vijay Singh to bend down and lick...
Aiyah, very simple mah. You know why Shah Rukh Khan and Vijay Singh got problem? Think about it.
Imagine Jackie Chan or Jet Li getting Datuk or PR. Do you think they will have problem?
Now you know why. Malaysia is racist. Indian fellas discriminated!!! Charcoal head...
Even Mahathir also cannot tahan, come out and say something. He thinks that Shah Rukh Khan deserves the Datuk. He also says that he is very malu that the phucking bastards say Shah Rukh Khan don't deserve it.
He betul betul tiau them properly.
See, under Bodowi, all the pukimak ministers also don't have brains. Cibai!
Sorry, I too busy parking the bad words that I forgot to give you guys Mahathir's link. Here it is,
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