The Star
Tuesday October 21, 2008
Funds to buy undervalued
stocks raised to RM10bil
The Government has doubled the amount of money available to buy undervalued stocks to RM10bil and will also continue with its spending to boost the country’s economy. Finance Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak announced that these two moves were part of the Government’s plan to ensure that the economy would not be affected by the global financial crisis caused by the meltdown of banks in the United States.
1. The US/Europe is now in the process of trying to find out why the financial system collapsed. It is now investigating AIG and credit default swaps.
2. The world financial system has indeed collapsed, despite a lot of people not being aware. Mahathir is aware,
3. People right now are not so concerned about 1 and 2 above. They want to know how to fix it.
4. During the Great Depression in 1929, the problem was fixed by governments acting as "spender of last resort". That means, even when no one is spending, the government can continue spending. Of course, that means printing money. Why are people not spending? Economy is bad, they just want to save. And if nobody spend economy become worse.
5. Today, it's slightly different. Governments all over the world is preparing for the worst; another Great Depression. What are they doing right now? The same thing they did in the 1930s (they got study history one); acting as spender of last resort, in case the whole world goes into recession.
What is different this time is that they cannot print money fast enough. $700 billion, how to print? Ink also cannot dry fast enough. So now they are using the highest form of martial arts - man fatt chiew choong. Just SAY ONLY.
$700 billion! Malaysia, $10 billion! (Ah Cub $10 million only, coming in. This one, already come in.) Europe - we guarantee anything, all your deposits, anything. Malaysia also say we guarantee all your deposits. Where the fuck the world got so much money? Don't care lah, say only.
Niamahkai. Solving the world's financial problems is easy only isn't it?
PS. Ask them try to solve this one lah. This article dated March 14, 2008. ($53 trillion only. Your mother fried chicken...)
You can fuck politicians but please respect race, religion and sex. Maximum 3 bad words allowed per comment, but sometimes I lose count...
October 20, 2008
Datuk Shah Rukh Khan?

Parliament: ‘Shah Rukh Khan doesn’t deserve title’
KUALA LUMPUR: A backbencher has questioned the rationale behind the Malacca state government conferring a Datukship on Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan and asked that the title be withdrawn.
Datuk Seri Abdul Ghapur Salleh (BN – Kalabakan) asked what Shah Rukh Khan had done for the country and the state to deserve such an honour.
Hello! Niamahai!
You think this fella got ask for it or not? Actually he very give face accept Datuk from Malaysia. Alamak, tak malu lah our politicians fuckers. People international superstar lah. Want to take your Datuk for what? WTF !!!
Every time also like that. Last time Vijay Singh apply PR also cannot get. People world champion golf lah. Fahai, a lot of countries want to give him PR lah. But Malaysia think we are damn big, want Vijay Singh to bend down and lick...
October 19, 2008
Khairy Finally Kena Chap

See this face also you want to slap him.
Finally, MCA fella come out and chap this fucker properly, hehe...........
'Detain Khairy under ISA'
By : Eileen Ng and David Yeow
KUALA LUMPUR: A Perak MCA Youth delegate who had called for Umno Youth deputy chief Khairy Jamaluddin to be detained under the Internal Security Act for making racist statements is sticking to his guns.
Ting Tai Fook said he was only voicing what people had been saying about Khairy.
"Am I afraid he will take action against me, seeing how well-connected he is?
"I think he doesn't have a case against me, since what I said is nothing new," he said.
Ting also believed MCA Youth would back him up.
At the MCA Youth assembly on Friday, Ting called Khairy a "political loser" who should be booked under the ISA.
He also wanted former Umno Bukit Bendera division chief Datuk Ahmad Ismail to be held under the same act for describing Malaysian Chinese as pendatang (squatters).
He expressed disappointment with the detentions of Sin Chew Daily reporter Tan Hoon Cheng and Seputeh MP Teresa Kok, whom he claimed had done nothing offensive.
"However, people like Khairy and Ahmad can talk all they want and no action was taken against them.
"If we want to use the ISA, let's use it against these people first. Lock them up for two years, let them think through everything they say so they can realise how nonsensical and narrow-minded they are."
Ting said he was opposed to the ISA, which "should be thoroughly reviewed and measures put into place to avoid any abuse".
He said it was incomprehensible for Khairy to question the ratio of government scholarships for Bumiputeras and non-Bumiputeras.
"Already our gifted students are being turned away from many public universities. So, how could he question the scholarship quota?"
Ting said he believed Khairy would lose the race for the Umno Youth chief post at the party's elections in March.
"I believe this irresponsible leader will su dao tuo ku (be badly defeated) at the Umno elections.
"That will be the ultimate embarrassment for him, to see that he is rejected even by his own people.
"After that, may we never hear from such a political loser again."
You think this fucker can still survive politically?
Any idea how many billions the bastard chiau already?
Now MCA fellas want to chap him.
Lung stick vs lung stick..........
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