Shall we compile a list of all the fucking issues in Malaysia.
First on the list must the OIL.
Do you all think oil belongs to the rakyat like Lim Kit Siang says? Or does it belong to the Government? Or, does it belong to the rakyat but the Government is managing it? If that is the case, do you think the Government is managing it properly? Or managing it until all the profits disappear into those buggers own pockets? Now every year Petronas profit about RM80b. All the income tax collected from every citizen is only RM50b per year. Don't you think this is the mother of all issues in Malaysia?
Let everyone know your precious opinion.
Next on the list is POLITICS. Being a multi-racial country, the social contract as outlined in the Constitution is most important. Once this is screwed up, all races will be aiming for each other's backside. Anwar will be just a reserve or spectator. Even an expert like him will have no chance.
The debate is whether we agree with Mahathir's version of the Social Contract.
With this social contract lies the Malay rights issue.
The comes the issue of ECONOMICS.
Politics will screw up economics. Economics will screw up politics. Which one gets screwed up first doesn't matter.
The important thing is to make politics work so that economy will prosper. Otherwise, (which is not likely), let people who control the economy control the politics.
Meantime, we, who cannot control anything, can only dewniamah those who screw up any of the above issues.